One of the most talented actors in Hindi cinema, Ranbir Kapoor has come a long way in his decade long career. Born in the first families of Bollywood, the charismatic actor has always had the pressure of carrying his family’s ...

What happens to your body when you run 1 mile every day for 30 days? Find out below. Before we begin, 1 mile is the same as 1.6 kilometres. And that might seem easy, right? I mean, 1 mile is ...

Yoga is hailed as one of the best to find pforms of fitness that offer you physical and mental balance but it has several other benefits as well. One of the less talked about advantages of the ancient art form ...

After staying indoors for months and adapting to the new changes that were introduced in our lives by the pandemic, everyone explored several new innovative ideas of keeping themselves entertained. While digital platforms becoming the new source of comfort entertainment ...

The need to raise your fitness level and adopt a healthy lifestyle has become the need of the hour. Given the prevailing conditions outside, everyone is trying to figure out ways to boost their immunity by opting for multi-vitamin tablets, ...

What happens to your body if you cycle every day for 30 days? Well, a guy did it and the results you can see below. There are many fitness challenges that a person can try that sometimes you want to ...

Fitness enthusiasts love a good challenge and luckily, in India, there is huge scope for that. Had the circumstances been normal, things like scaling snowy mountains in Leh and Ladakh, marathoning across the Thar Desert and surfing on the beaches ...

Have you ever thought about doing 30 minutes of jump rope every day for 30 days? Could you imagine what that would do to your body in terms of fitness and health? Here is what you can expect. Jumping rope ...

If you’ve been looking to gain muscle mass or even improve your overall health, you’ve probably come across the term BCAA’s (branched-chain amino acids). BCAA supplements are popular in the bodybuilding, health, and sports nutrition communities for more than a ...

Given the need to look good at all times, actors need to make sure that they remain in good shape throughout their career. Despite their hectic professional commitments and shooting schedules, finding enough time to hit the gym and work ...