The Most Underrated Cardio Routine for Fat Loss

This is the most underrated cardio routine for fat loss that you are probably overlooking right now. Yes, we know, nutrition is the basis of fat loss, but this cardio routine can help you achieve your goals too. Check it out.

Are you tired of the endless cycle of diet fads and workout trends that promise much but deliver little? Let’s cut through the noise together. We are here to share the game-changing cardio strategies that catapulted me from dreaming about a lean physique to living it as a professional natural bodybuilder.

And by we, we don’t mean BOXROX. Amid so much information about how to lose weight with cardio, Dr. Mike Diamonds, a seasoned pro bodybuilder, steps forward as a guiding beacon of simplicity and efficacy. Dr. Mike Diamonds is a retired medical doctor who is now an online fitness coach and a YouTuber. He has over one million subscribers on his channel and he usually uses his own body transformation as an example of how to help people become their better selves. He is also the creator of the website Sculpt by Science.

This isn’t about quick fixes but real, sustainable changes that stick. So let’s take a look at what Mike Diamonds says it is the most underrated cardio routine for fat loss. Is it running? Cycling? Swimming? something else, or somehow, all of them but thought out differently?

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The Most Underrated Cardio Routine for Fat Loss

Source: Reinhart Julien on Unsplash

Diving into fat loss, it’s crucial to get your heart pumping at just the right beat. Science shows us that there’s a perfect zone – between 120 to 140 beats per minute – where your body becomes a fat-burning machine without sacrificing precious muscle. This isn’t just academic speak; it’s the real deal. Understanding this sweet spot can transform your cardio from a dreaded chore into your most powerful ally in the fight against fat.

So, to reiterate, the most underrated cardio routine for fat loss is a structured approach to Zone 2 cardio. This involves maintaining your heart rate between 120 to 140 beats per minute during cardio sessions. This sweet spot maximizes fat oxidation without dipping into your muscle reserves, making it highly effective for sustainable fat loss.

Why Zone 2 Cardio Stands Out:

  • Efficient Fat Burning: At this intensity, your body primarily uses fat as its energy source, making your workouts incredibly efficient for losing fat.
  • Sustainability: This moderate intensity is manageable for most people, making it easier to stick with over time compared to high-intensity workouts that can be daunting and difficult to sustain.
  • Preserves Muscle: By avoiding overly intense activities that can consume muscle for energy, Zone 2 cardio helps maintain and even build muscle mass during a fat loss phase.

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Implementing Zone 2 Cardio into Your Routine:

  1. Frequency: Start with three sessions a week, gradually increasing the frequency as your fitness improves.
  2. Duration: Begin with sessions lasting 15-30 minutes and increase the duration over time to build endurance and maximize fat loss.
  3. Modalities: Walking on an incline, using the elliptical, or stair climbing are excellent choices. These low-impact activities are easy on the joints and can be maintained for longer durations.
  4. Tracking: Use a heart rate monitor to ensure you’re staying within the optimal Zone 2 range. This will help you adjust your intensity to stay on target.

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Your Personal Blueprint for Cardio Success

Here’s the thing: losing fat isn’t about going all out on day one. It’s about smart, incremental changes that add up over time. Start simple, with something as straightforward as bumping up your daily steps, and then gradually introduce more structured cardio sessions. Think of it as laying down the tracks for a train that’s going to take you straight to Shredsville. By scaling up your efforts week by week, you’re not just burning calories; you’re building a lifestyle.

Picking the Right Cardio That You’ll Actually Enjoy

Not all cardio is created equal, and thank goodness for that! The secret sauce to sticking with it? Choosing activities that feel less like a punishment and more like a treat. Whether it’s power-walking on an incline, cruising on the elliptical, or conquering the stair master, the best cardio is the one you look forward to. These low-impact options are not only easier on your body but can also be surprisingly fun. And when you enjoy what you’re doing, that’s when the magic happens.

This journey to melting away fat and unveiling the lean, strong body beneath isn’t reserved for the few; it’s accessible to anyone armed with the right strategies and a dash of determination. Forget about the overnight transformations and focus on the real, tangible changes that add up to big results over time. With these insider tips and a bit of elbow grease, you’re not just chasing a dream—you’re living it. Let’s embark on this adventure together and turn the physique you’ve always wanted into your new reality.

If you want more information regarding the most underrated cardio routine for fat loss, you can also just watch the video below. In it, Mike Diamonds dives deeper into the ins and outs of what you should be doing, cardio routine-wise, to lose fat faster.

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10 Rules to Never Have Belly Fat Again

Alright, losing weight essentially boils down to a few key principles, and it’s not always about strict diets or punishing exercise routines. Let’s break it down in a relatable way:

1. Energy Balance (Calories In vs. Calories Out):

Understanding your body’s calorie needs can be a game changer. Tools like calorie calculators can help you estimate how many calories you need based on your age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. But remember, these are just estimates. The real key is to listen to your body and adjust based on your progress. For instance, if you enjoy cooking, try creating healthier versions of your favorite meals by using less oil or swapping out high-calorie ingredients for lower-calorie ones. And remember, small snacks count too, so keep an eye on those.

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2. Nutrition Quality:

Think of your body like a car. To keep it running smoothly, you need to fuel it with the good stuff. Incorporating a variety of foods into your diet ensures you get all the necessary nutrients. This means colorful veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins (like chicken, fish, beans, and lentils), and healthy fats (like avocados, nuts, and olive oil). Experiment with new recipes to keep things exciting. For example, try a new vegetable each week or experiment with meatless meals if you usually eat a lot of meat.

3. Consistency and Patience:

This is where the mental game comes into play. Set realistic goals for yourself and celebrate the small victories. Maybe you managed to drink 8 glasses of water a day, or perhaps you chose a side salad over fries. These are wins! And don’t beat yourself up over slip-ups. Life happens, and one off day won’t derail your progress. It’s about what you do consistently over time.

Tia-Clair ToomeySource: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

4. Physical Activity:

Find joy in movement. The best exercise for you is the one you enjoy and can do regularly. If you hate running, don’t force yourself to run just because you think it’s the “best” way to lose weight. Maybe you’ll enjoy a dance class, hiking trails with friends, or even playing active video games. Mixing up your activities can keep things fun and prevent boredom. Also, consider integrating more activity into your daily routine—bike to work, have walking meetings, or do some light stretching while watching TV.

5. Sleep and Stress Management:

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It can help regulate the hormones that control hunger. Aim for 7-9 hours per night. If you have trouble sleeping, try establishing a relaxing bedtime routine or limiting screen time before bed. As for stress, find outlets that work for you. It could be journaling, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in a hobby that takes your mind off things. Managing stress can prevent emotional eating, which often leads to reaching for high-calorie comfort foods.

6. Hydration:

Water is your best friend when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes, our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. By staying hydrated, you can prevent unnecessary snacking. Plus, water helps your body burn fat more efficiently. Carry a water bottle with you as a reminder to drink throughout the day. If you find water boring, add a slice of lemon, lime, or cucumber for a flavour boost.

The journey to losing weight and keeping it off is personal and unique to each individual. What works for one person might not work for another. The key is to find a balance that fits your lifestyle and preferences. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about making better choices more often. Be kind to yourself, adjust as you go, and keep your eyes on the long-term goal of a healthier, happier you.

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Source link: by Robert Born at