Hybrid Training Tested: Running + Weightlifting Hidden Benefits

Imagine two bodybuilders stepping onto a running track. It sounds like the setup for a joke, right? In the fitness community, the contrast between the bulky strength of a bodybuilder and the lean endurance of a runner often serves as comedic fodder. Bodybuilders may view runners as the very antithesis of their muscular goals, while runners might scoff at the bodybuilders’ agility and stamina. This dichotomy underscores a longstanding divide within the fitness realm. However, when these two disciplines converge in what’s known as hybrid training, the benefits can be monumental.

Hybrid training isn’t a novel idea. Its roots trace back to ancient civilisations like the Greeks, who prepared their warriors with a blend of physical activities. In contemporary times, this multifaceted approach has birthed sports like CrossFit and mixed martial arts. For bodybuilders, incorporating cardiovascular elements like running can unlock advantages such as enhanced fast-twitch muscle fibre activation, hormonal responses, and calorie burning. Runners, on the other hand, can gain from bodybuilding through reduced injury risks, improved form, and stronger bone density.

And that is what two typical bodybuilders decided to find out by putting themselves to test hybrid training. The Buff Dudes is a YouTube channel with over 2.5 million subscribers. Despite the name of the channel, brothers Hudson and Brandon White are not your stereotypical bro-gym. They deliver clear information with a good background story while poking fun at how buffed they are.

Source: Reebok

Embarking on a journey to explore hybrid training, the White brothers decided to challenge themselves. The mission was to seamlessly integrate bodybuilding and running into their hectic lives, aiming to reap the mutual benefits without compromising one discipline for the other.

Let’s see how they did that and what they thought of the process and conclusions of training like a hybrid athlete.

Related: Why You Should Train Like A Hybrid Athlete (Running and Weightlifting)

Hybrid Training Tested: Running + Weightlifting Hidden Benefits

The first step was to assess the brother’s running technique. Proper gear is essential, especially for heavier athletes like them. Choose a pair of shoes that are comfortable with cushion underneath to lower the impact of running on your knees.

Their running form assessment revealed key areas for improvement. Ensuring a vertical shin angle and a foot strike directly under the body’s centre of mass was crucial for energy efficiency. Their tendency for a longer stride was causing heel strikes ahead of our body, which can sap momentum and increase workload—a significant challenge given the extra body weight compared to typical runners.

Crafting the Hybrid Training Plan

Source: Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

The Dudes hybrid training schedule balanced four days of weightlifting with three days dedicated to running. The challenge was to prevent muscle soreness from weightlifting from undermining their running performance. Progressive overload was a principle applied to both disciplines, gradually increasing weights and running intensity to enhance their strength and endurance.

Recovery played a pivotal role in the routine, with an emphasis on mobility work, nutrition, hydration, and sleep. Monitoring their progress through detailed logs helped the bodybuilders tweak their approach based on each body’s responses.

The Nutritional Aspect

Diet is a cornerstone of any training regimen. For Brandon, embracing a more balanced diet, rich in carbohydrates and fats, was transformative. It fuelled his hybrid training, reduced cravings, and supported his overall well-being.

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The Mental Game

Hybrid training isn’t just a physical endeavour; it’s a mental one too. The variety keeps the mind engaged and body guessing. The Dudes found that running, in particular, is a catalyst for creativity. Historical studies suggest that walking can boost creative output by up to 60%, and they have experienced similar bursts of inspiration while running.

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Source: Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels

The Verdict on Hybrid Training

After an intensive foray into hybrid training, Brandon can confidently say it’s been a revelation. Merging the power of bodybuilding with the endurance of running has pushed him beyond his comfort zone. While the balancing act is challenging, the rewards—enhanced strength, improved endurance, and mental clarity—are undeniable.

In the comprehensive exploration of hybrid training shared, the focus was primarily on qualitative experiences and broader benefits rather than specific quantitative metrics. While the Buff Dudes detailed the journey, methodology, and overall benefits of combining bodybuilding with running, they did not talk explicit numerical data such as weight loss, strength gains, or comparative analysis of lifting capabilities before and after the training period.

Nevertheless, you should definitely consider training like a hybrid athlete to reap the benefits of lifting weights and running altogether. Hybrid training is a testament to the idea that we’re often more capable than we realise, capable of mastering more than just one domain. By embracing the fusion of bodybuilding and running, I’ve not only become a more versatile athlete but also discovered a more profound appreciation for the diverse spectrum of fitness.

Check out their video below for a deeper analysis, and visual explanation, of how the Buff Dudes changed while putting hybrid training to the test.

Read More: More Reps or Heavier Load: Which is Better for Muscle Growth?

Source link: https://www.boxrox.com/hybrid-training-tested-running-weightlifting-hidden-benefits/ by Robert Born at www.boxrox.com