Best Home Workout for Endurance Strength and Fat Loss

Check out the best home workout for endurance strength and fat loss. No equipment needed!

Many people aim to enhance their fitness but encounter obstacles such as limited time, inadequate space, or insufficient funds for gym memberships or equipment. This situation calls for a practical solution that accommodates these common constraints while still offering effective workout options.

Home workouts present a viable alternative, enabling individuals to engage in exercise without the need for extensive space or specialized equipment. By focusing on versatile exercises that leverage one’s body weight or utilize minimal, readily available tools, anyone can craft a fitness routine that fits within the confines of their living environment and schedule.

These home-based routines are not just about convenience; they are also designed to be impactful. They can effectively build endurance, strength, and assist in fat loss, catering to a wide range of fitness goals. The adaptability of home workouts ensures that they can be scaled to suit different fitness levels, making them accessible to a broad audience.

The following guide will introduce a series of exercises that are specifically curated for those looking to achieve endurance, strength, and fat loss at home. This set of exercises is intended to offer a straightforward, practical approach to fitness, demonstrating that significant results can be attained without stepping foot in a gym.

Today, we’re diving into an intense workout sequence designed by Jordan Yeoh to challenge your endurance, cardiovascular health, and strength. Jordan Yeoh is a YouTube fitness influencer with close to 4 million subscribers on his channel. He usually shares tips on workouts, exercises and all about getting fitter.

This high-level, level 5 workout routine, which is called “The Trio,” isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s structured to push your limits, enhance your fitness, and elevate your training regimen to new heights.

Best Home Workout for Endurance Strength and Fat Loss

“The Trio” comprises sequences of three exercises performed back-to-back, with minimal rest in between, focusing on various muscle groups and endurance. Then you take a brief rest before jumping into another set of 3 exercises with minimum rest. After a short break, you then continue to the last set of 3 exercises performed back-to-back.

This setup is not just a physical challenge but a mental one too, demanding focus, perseverance, and a deep understanding of your body’s capabilities and limits.

Let’s get down to business, you clicked here to find out what is the best home workout for endurance strength and fat loss. The exercises are:

  1. Push-ups – 20 seconds
  2. Run in place – 30 seconds
  3. Jump squat – 20 seconds
  4. Rest 30 seconds
  5. Jumping jack – 30 seconds
  6. Crunches – 20 seconds
  7. Butt kicker – 30 seconds
  8. Rest 30 seconds
  9. Dive bomber – 30 seconds
  10. High knees – 30 seconds
  11. Split squat – 20 seconds
  12. Rest 30 seconds
  13. Running plank (mountain climbers) – 30 seconds
  14. Jack knife – 20 seconds
  15. Plank hold – 60 seconds
  16. Rest 2 minutes

That was round 1, round 2 comprises of:

  1. Push tap – 20 seconds
  2. Get up – 30 seconds
  3. Squat jump – 20 seconds
  4. Rest 20 seconds
  5. Jumping jack – 30 seconds
  6. Crunches – 20 seconds
  7. Butt kicker – 30 seconds
  8. Rest 20 seconds
  9. Push jack – 20 seconds
  10. Run in place – 30 seconds
  11. Split squat – 30 seconds
  12. Rest 20 seconds
  13. Running plank (mountain climbers) – 30 seconds
  14. Burpee – 30 seconds
  15. Plank hold – 60 seconds
  16. Rest 2-3 minutes
Push tap

That was round 3, the last and final round comprises of these exercises:

  1. Side-to-side push-up – 30 seconds
  2. Jumping jack – 30 seconds
  3. Squat jump – 20 seconds
  4. Rest 20 seconds
  5. Push kick out – 30 seconds
  6. Bicycle crunches – 30 seconds
  7. Butt kicker – 30 seconds
  8. Rest 20 seconds
  9. Push jump in – 30 seconds
  10. Run in place – 30 seconds
  11. Toe touch shuffle – 30 seconds
  12. Rest 20 seconds
  13. Burpee – 30 seconds
  14. Running plank (mountain climbers) – 30 seconds
  15. Plank hold – 60 seconds

Key Takeaways from “The Trio”

  • Listen to Your Body: While it’s crucial to push yourself, understanding your limits is equally important. Adjust the intensity to suit your fitness level, ensuring you’re challenged yet not overwhelmed.
  • Consistency is Key: Regularly engaging in high-intensity workouts like “The Trial” can lead to significant improvements in strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health.
  • Diverse Exercise Selection: The variety of exercises ensures that no muscle group is neglected, promoting balanced growth and reducing the risk of injury.

How to Perform Each of the Exercises

Let’s break down how to perform each exercise correctly to ensure you get the most out of your workout while minimizing the risk of injury.

Round 1 Exercises:

  1. Push-ups (20 seconds): Start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor. Keep your elbows close to your body. Push back up to the starting position. Keep your core engaged and your body in a straight line throughout the movement.
  2. Run in Place (30 seconds): Stand upright and start running in place. Lift your knees high and use your arms as you would while running. Keep your back straight and your core engaged.
  3. Jump Squat (20 seconds): Start in a squat position with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower into a squat, then explosively jump up, extending your legs fully. Land softly back into the squat position. Keep your chest up and your back straight throughout the exercise.
  4. Jumping Jack (30 seconds): Start with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Jump, spreading your legs wide while simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Jump back to the starting position. Keep your movements fluid and continuous.
  5. Crunches (20 seconds): Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Lift your upper body towards your knees, contracting your abdominals. Lower back down slowly. Ensure you’re lifting with your abs, not your neck.
  6. Butt Kicker (30 seconds): Jog in place, kicking your heels up towards your glutes with each step. Swing your arms naturally, and keep your upper body upright.
  7. Dive Bomber (30 seconds): Start in a piked position, with your hips high. Lower your chest towards the floor, like a swooping motion, then straighten your arms, lifting your torso and hips. Reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
  8. High Knees (30 seconds): Run in place, lifting your knees as high as possible with each step. Pump your arms to maintain balance and momentum.
  9. Split Squat (20 seconds): Begin in a staggered stance, one foot in front of the other. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Your back knee should nearly touch the ground. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position. Alternate legs.
  10. Running Plank (Mountain Climbers) (30 seconds): Start in a plank position. Drive one knee towards your chest, then quickly switch, moving the other knee forward. Continue alternating rapidly, maintaining a strong plank position throughout.
  11. Jack Knife (20 seconds): Lie on your back, legs straight, and arms extended overhead. Simultaneously lift your arms and legs towards each other, trying to touch your feet at the top. Lower back down with control.
  12. Plank Hold (60 seconds): In a plank position, distribute your weight between your forearms and toes. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core and glutes to maintain the position.
Source: Mart Production on Pexels

Round 2 and Round 3 Exercises:

For the exercises in rounds 2 and 3, follow the same principles as outlined above, adjusting for any variations:

  • Push Tap: Perform a push-up, then tap each shoulder alternately with the opposite hand at the top of the movement.
  • Get Up: Transition from a lying position to standing as quickly as possible, then return to lying down.
  • Push Jack: Perform a push-up, then jump your feet out to the sides and back together.
  • Push Kick Out: Perform a push-up, then kick one leg out to the side, alternating legs.
  • Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Bring one knee and the opposite elbow together, alternating sides in a cycling motion.
  • Push Jump In: Perform a push-up, then jump your feet towards your hands, then back to the starting position.
  • Toe Touch Shuffle: Stand, jump lightly from side to side, touching your toes with the opposite hand.

Executing these exercises with proper form will enhance your workout’s effectiveness and safety, ensuring you reap the full benefits of this intense fitness regimen.

How Often Should You Do This Workout?

The frequency with which someone can do this intense workout largely depends on their fitness level, goals, and overall recovery capacity. Given the high-intensity nature of this routine, it’s crucial to allow adequate recovery time to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury. Here are some guidelines:

For Beginners:

  • If you’re new to high-intensity workouts, start with once or twice a week, allowing your body to adapt to the new demands. Ensure you engage in different types of lower-intensity exercise on other days to maintain a balanced fitness routine.

For Intermediate to Advanced Individuals:

  • Those with a solid fitness foundation and experience with high-intensity workouts could perform this routine two to three times a week, provided there’s a rest or active recovery day in between sessions. This allows your muscles to recover and rebuild.

Recovery and Rest Days:

Rest and recovery are as crucial as the workout itself. Include rest or active recovery days in your routine to facilitate muscle repair and growth. Activities like walking, yoga, or light cycling on off days can enhance recovery.

Listen to Your Body:

Pay close attention to how your body responds. If you’re feeling overly fatigued, experiencing persistent soreness, or noticing declines in performance, it may be a sign to scale back and allow more recovery time.

Nutrition and Sleep:

Support your workout regimen with proper nutrition and adequate sleep. Nutrient-rich foods and sufficient rest are vital for optimal recovery and performance.

Source: Kampus Production on Pexels

While this workout is designed to be challenging, it’s essential to balance it with proper rest, and nutrition to ensure sustainable progress and avoid burnout or injury. Always consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have existing health concerns or are new to high-intensity workouts.

And that is Jordan Yeoh’s best home workout for endurance strength and fat loss with no equipment needed.

Embrace the challenge, focus on form, and celebrate each milestone in your fitness journey. Remember, every rep, every set, and every drop of sweat takes you one step closer to your goals.

By following this workout, you will see a massive change in the mirror – losing body fat percentage, strengthening and increasing your muscle mass, and being able to perform exercises for longer.

We do understand that it is better to see someone doing the workout than simply reading it. We got something better. We have Yeoh’s video below and you can simply click on it and follow along. He performs all the exercises in 25 minutes.

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